So you just found out you are Dyslexic! Now What?

For those kids that just found out that their super power is Dyslexia

Hayley – I remember when I found out I was dyslexic. My parents brought me up to their room and sat me down to talk to me. They said that I have something called Dyslexia. I was shocked and I was scared, but now I like being dyslexic. It is my superpower.
Aurora – When I found out I was dyslexic, I was quite confused. I didn’t know if it was disability or a disorder. I also didn’t know, if I would have dyslexia forever or just for a year. But now I feel more comfortable than when I first found out. But I am still getting use to it. I think it is my superpower.If you just found that you have dyslexic, don’t panic!!! In time, you will come to discover that it is your superpower!
In addition, you will find out that like the Avengers, there are other superheros untied to help you!
For example , the following people also had dyslexia as their superpower:

  • Albert Einstein – Obviously you heard of him! One of the Great Physicists ever and he was dyslexic!
  • Agatha Christie – Have you heard of her? She wrote many books including one called Murder on the Orient Express. Check it out sometime!
  • Walt Disney – Maybe you heard of him? He made several movies including Snow White and Cinderella!

As you can see, you are in good company!
Dyslexics unite!