Dyslexia For Me – What does it feel like to Read

Dyslexia can manifest in different ways. For some, it is difficult to read because the letters shake. For others, the letters are reversed. Regardless in how it manifests, it makes reading at school difficult.
Aurora – Reading is hard for me because I add and subtract words that my brain believes should be in the sentence, but may not actually be there. It is difficult to know when I am doing this because it sounds right in my head. The only way I can stop this is to read passages twice and slow everything down.
Hayley – When I was first learning to read, I had a real hard time with sight words. it was difficult for me to memorize the words. It took a lot of practice and going over each word multiple times. Memorizing can be hard for a dyslexic person. What may take a non-dyslexic person 10 repetitions to memorize , it may take a dyslexic person 500 repetitions to memorize. That is one of my challenges.
Parents, it is important to encourage your child when they are having difficulty reading. It is not helpful to be mad when they don’t get it right away.
If you just figured out that your child is dyslexic, stay cool. It is not a disease. It just means that you have to work harder then everyone else.