What to do if Someone Tells You that You are not Dyslexic, even though You are!

Recently, a kid at school told me that I was not dyslexic.  Their reason for this was because the letters do not flip around or march of the page for me. Unfortunately for this kid, my diagnosis is not based off of their opinion.  I have been tested twice and diagnosed with sever dyslexia both times.  This kid is not even in the ball park when it comes to the definition of dyslexia.  According to U.S. National Institutes of Health, dyslexia is defined as a learning disorder.  It does not make a ruling on whether or not words or letter…

Parents Links – To Help When you Need It

There are a ton of resources online to help you and your child. Here are a few of our favorites: Reading Rockets – If you are new to dyslexia, this provides a fairly comprehensive overview of what it is and what it does. School Support – Here is a good list of things that you should be aware of if you are dealing with schools. Learning Ally – The site has a lot of interesting stuff but it also has a great blog that reviews new books, audio books, programs, and other things. Check them out! Success Stories – This…

Be Brave - Dyslexia

Dyslexia – My Secret

When my parents first explained to me that my brain is wired differently, I didn’t want to tell anyone.  I was scared they would treat me differently. The next day at recess I pulled one of my best friends aside and told her I needed to tell her something important. I told her that I am dyslexic, and that that meant I have problems reading.  I tried to explain everything I understood about being dyslexic, which was really nothing looking back on it.  Willa just smiled at me and said ok, and we went back to playing. I have slowly…

Are dyslexics who love to read an oxymoron?

When I was first diagnosed as a dyslexic, I couldn’t really read.  It would take me what seemed like forever to read just a few pages.  The idea of having to read aloud at school was so scary! Even now I don’t love to read out loud!  It’s been 5 years since my diagnoses and I LOVE to read!!!! One of the ways I overcame my fear was to read over facetime with my Gran.  Judy Moody became one of my favorite series because of it.  Every school day at 4pm, we would each take turns reading out loud. Sometimes…

Three Myths of Dyslexia

There are a lot of false ideas out there about what it means or is like to be dyslexic. Here are three that need to be addressed now: Being Dyslexic means the letters turn around on the page A lot of people ask me about this, it has never happened to me. When I read the words don’t come off the page, like they do for some people. The words look just like they do for a non-dyslexic person. My brain decodes blends differently. Some Dyslexics do experience this, but not everyone. You’ll Grow out of it, don’t worry. Dyslexia…

So you just found out you are Dyslexic! Now What?

For those kids that just found out that their super power is Dyslexia Hayley – I remember when I found out I was dyslexic. My parents brought me up to their room and sat me down to talk to me. They said that I have something called Dyslexia. I was shocked and I was scared, but now I like being dyslexic. It is my superpower.Aurora – When I found out I was dyslexic, I was quite confused. I didn’t know if it was disability or a disorder. I also didn’t know, if I would have dyslexia forever or just for…

Dyslexia For Me – What does it feel like to Read

Dyslexia can manifest in different ways. For some, it is difficult to read because the letters shake. For others, the letters are reversed. Regardless in how it manifests, it makes reading at school difficult.Aurora – Reading is hard for me because I add and subtract words that my brain believes should be in the sentence, but may not actually be there. It is difficult to know when I am doing this because it sounds right in my head. The only way I can stop this is to read passages twice and slow everything down.Hayley – When I was first learning…

An Interview with A High School Dyslexic

Since both Hayley and I are in elementary school, we do not know what it is like for older students that have dyslexia. To find out, we interviewed Mary Grace, a dyslexic High School junior in For Worth, Texas. Question 1 – What was it like when you first found out you were dyslexic?Answer 1 – I was confused because I was little and did not understand what it was. Question 2 – Did you tell any of your friends?Answer 2 – No, I did not tell them at first. Mostly because I did not understand it and I was…